A summarry of Ann Petry's ''Like a winding sheet''

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LIKE A WINDING SHEET Like a Winding Sheet, written by Ann Petry in 1945, is a story that begins with a black man's tough day at work, but takes a twisted turn. Johnson comes home after a hard day planning to kick his feet up and enjoy a relaxing evening at home with his wife, Mae. The bad sense of humour Mae possesses begins to send Johnson over the edge and suddenly, something in him snaps. …

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… he was doing. Obviously, this violence took place at John's home, when he beat up his wife to death. It would be appropriated to end this essay with a good analysis of the title, "Like a winding sheet". The words winding sheet mean ''shroud'', it could easily be reflected in the story, the shroud worn by John, representing the weight he has to support being black and having to live in a judging society.