A strategic marketing proposal for Trung Nguyen Coffee Company to regain its leading position and market dominance in Vietnam.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
1 Short - term First, they need to have a clear vision, solve the internal issues and get some cash in order to make sure that they are strong as a company and ready to compete internationally before going ahead with their expansion project. They should work on the management issues to create a good atmosphere where employees are happy to work in. They also need to make sure that their coffee shops offer a diversified …

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…local business-people who truly understand the local market They also have to follow the trend to satisfy their changing needs by coming up with new items regularly. While growing their business oversea, Trung Nguyen still need to concern about the domestic market. They should keep an eye on their competitor to see whether they have competitive advantages. Finally, always beware of new technology should be adopted in order to improve their product and compete effectively.