A story about a Dating Service.

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Essay Database > History > European History
I had not seen my friend, Jennifer, in so long. We had been great friends in high school, but after graduation, we went our seperate ways, as most did. One day I decided to go to the mall during my lunch break to squeeze in some much needed shoe shopping. As I was browsing through the Nine West pumps, I spotted Jennifer, who was holding hands with a gorgeous guy, just a few feet away. …

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…before I was to be at work. I was pleasantly surprised at how well he met my standards. He was very handsome and kept me laughing the whole time. We had so much in common. I could not believe I met him through a dating website. A few months have passed, and we continue to date. I'm definately glad I went with my friend's advice about the internet dating service, despite my doubts at first.