A speech based on education.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
I would have liked to have had an education but instead I have to work on the streets if I don't I wont have anything to eat and I wont have any place to sleep tonight. These words were spoken to me by a 10 year old Colombian boy. He was very thin and looked as though he were only 6 years old. Unlike this boy, I was born a citizen of the United States. My parents …

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showed last 75 words of 1967 total
…eliminate the great American hypocrisy that puts us on a pedestal and everyone else below us. We need to acknowledge our faults and begin working on them. We need to improve our educational system to be on a par with other countries. Our students need a better work ethic and we need to be more responsible and motivated to succeed. Maybe then we will not have to worry about the extinction of the American Minds