A society without Knowledge!

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Essay Database > Literature > English
A Society Without Knowledge Far too often in society people's lack of knowledge of a subject causes their opinions and actions to rely strictly on stereotypes created by the masses. This affliction is commonly known as ignorance. This is curable but people have to become open-minded and leave their reliance on society's viewpoints behind them. In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, the ignorance of society becomes extremely evident at many …

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…only consider the surface instead of looking deep for true knowledge. Society constantly judges people based on stereotypes of a certain group and it often fails to consider the personality of an individual. Society takes action without being properly informed or will take up arms against opposing groups just because someone who it respect has blindly told them to. The ignorance of Society constantly cause people, issues, and views to be regarded in adverse ways.