A short suspense story.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Nick Spong 2nd November English Coursework - Short Suspense Story The sun rose over the little market town of Glandhill. It was a beautiful autumn morning sunrise, about 6:30 with no one yet in the centre of town. Only the farm workers in the distance were up, herding the cows in from the fields for the first of their two milking sessions that day. Within the town centre street lights were still on and the roads …

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…and his work raced through his brain. Then he heard distant voices, but they were getting fainter. He could feel someone hitting his chest but by then it was much too late. He was faintly aware of being lifted and a covering was put on top of him. He gave a great sigh forcing all of the air from his lungs and allowed himself to dissolve into the black blanket that was enveloping his vision.