A review of "the story of Daisy Mille"r By Henry James.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Daisy Miller: A Study In the story Daisy Miller by Henry James, the character Daisy Miller is portrayed as being a typical American flirt. In Europe the manner of young unmarried women is not that of Miss Daisy Miller. Throughout the story other character, helping to come to the conclusion that she is a flirt observes her flirtatious behavior. Her male friend, Winterbourne, is the object of her flirtatious manner. The question of her being …

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…fearful, frightful flirt! Did you ever hear of a nice girl that was not." By the end of the story, others looked at her as being a flirt also. "Flirting is a purely American custom; it doesn't exist here. Not in young unmarried women." Daisy Miller was a flirt in her own American way. Once she knew that her behavior was unacceptable, she continued to do it. Her flirting manners lead her to her death.