A review and analysis of a Sociological paper about Marijuana consumption.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Choosing a Topic For this assignment, I wanted to choose a topic to which I could relate. I was seeking a topic that I am familiar with, and am interested enough to want to learn more about. I wanted to find a paper that discussed substance abuse: a cross-cultural study comparing drug use in different cultures/societies. I wanted not to focus on the issue of, for example, the use of a certain drug in …

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…sterdam, Bremen and San Francisco: A Three City Comparison of Longer-Term Cannabis Consumption", Journal of Drug Issues 2.2, (2002): 395-413 <http://80b-ll.epnet.com.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca/citation.asp> "Marijuana Opinions". <http://www.bigpulse.com/leaders.php?sid=ApIiZdUibEdjQVF>, 2003 Planije, M.P., et al. "Cannabis Policy Fact Sheet", <http://www.trimbos.nl/default.asp?id=3827>, Trimbos-instituut, 1999 "State-by-State Drug Laws", <http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=4516>, NORML, 2002