A research paper on Agoraphobia

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Art and Culture
The term "agoraphobia" comes from the Greeks, the word "agora" meaning the market place. Agoraphobia was a term coined by the German neurologist Westphal in 1871. Westphal felt the term was appropriate because it described how people felt vulnerable in public places and in particular where there was no obvious exit. In his original description, Westphal described his four patients who had attacks of anxiety in public places. He described how several of them used alcohol …

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…people mask their symptoms effectively for many years, or possibly a lifetime. Agoraphobia is an extremely difficult phobia to overcome, and takes patience, and practice to overcome and conquer fears. But mainly the most difficult part of treatment for agoraphobia is maintaining regular treatment appointments. People suffering with agoraphobia often have difficulty getting to the office of a psychologist, and frequently cancel appointments because of their fears. This must be addressed as part of treatment.