A research paper based on how The life of Mary Shelley affected her work. Send me a message for works cited

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Mary Shelley's Life Shined Through her Work Born to two radical novelists in 1797, Mary Shelley had the gift and passion of writing in her blood. Going through many hardships in her life such as the death of her mother and two children, Shelley used her writing as a relief (Holiday12). It is apparent in her work that her childhood and life as a young adult greatly affected her novels as well as the characters she …

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…at a young age to Percy Shelley (Huntley 3). <Tab/>In taking after her parents, Mary Shelley was able to use her life experiences and repressed emotions to inspire what each character she creates feels. This genuine aspect makes her writing believable and it allows the reader to understand and grasp the message that is being delivered. Due to Mary Shelley's enthusiasm and appetite for writing her works will forever be timeless.