A report on several of Vonnegut's works.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Kurt Vonnegut is considered one of the more influential writers of the twentieth century. At first, he was pegged as a mere pulp/science fiction writer by his contemporaries, but he later gained popularity among college students of the Vietnam generation. His unique style led to some of his work being taught in high school and college writing courses, and he is now often considered an early figure in the movement known as postmodernism. Postmodern …

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…instead of a linear plot allow the reader to better understand the central moment of the book, the bombing. By placing himself inside the novel, a part of his individualistic style, he helps bring forward the emotions he wishes to portray. By no means a conventional author, Kurt Vonnegut uses a unique style to convey ideas that, while one may or may not agree, at least successfully leave the reader with something to think about.