"A region without problems and a people without grievances." Discuss this view of Southeast Asia and its inhabitants in the years 1870-1942.

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Between the years 1870 and 1942, Western imperialism dominated Southeast Asia, transforming its political, economic and social structures. The view that it was a region without problems and a people without grievances can be interpreted as Southeast Asia being positively affected by colonialism rendering a smooth and prosperous economy, political stability and a social setting that did not cause any negative effects on the natives living there such that they had no complaints. The view is largely …

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…tact put in and the result was mass resentment and an overall worsening of circumstances. While in the long run, colonialism may have been seen to be beneficial for the people, it was a long and hard struggle to get to the point where the people reaped the benefits of that time. It is however false to say that Southeast Asia was a region without problems and a people without grievances during the period 1870 to 1942.