A quick analyis of the play "Doll House"

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
This play took a lot of energy for me to read. It came across as too hyper-dramatical, if that's even a term. Nora's actions confused me and angered me all at once. I disliked her overindulgence in her husband's care taking. She made herself out to be so weak and dependent, yet was capable of making life altering decisions. When she borrowed the money in order to save her husbands life, she showed great heroism …

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…in our world. I would not do what she did because I cannot sleep at night with a guilty conscience. If I needed to take desperate measures in order to save someone I love, I would be honest with it to everyone. No matter the consequence. I feel that this way, there is only one way to feel about the choices you make, confident and assured that it was in the best intrest of all.