A psychoanalytic criticism review on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein focusing on the betrayal that she felt by her parents leaving her.

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Mary Shelley lived in the betrayal of her parents, haunted by her mother's abandonment and the incompetence of her father and his wicked stepmother. Her stepmother was quite actively jealous of her predecessor's daughter and resented the bond between father and daughter. After his remarriage, Mary resided in her own silence, reading by her mother's grave. Wollstonecraft, Mary's mother, died of puerperal fever eleven days after the August 30, 1797, birth of their daughter, so that Godwin …

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…that abandoned her, she may see her father as Victor who runs from his monster. Mary Shelley felt abandoned by both her father and mother, she no doubted felt as if she was their Frankenstein. She used displacement to deal with her hurt, anger and pain which she kept repressed. Using Frankenstein, Mary expresses her own feelings of inadequacy to her creator(s). She allows Frankenstein to play out her life in a fictional setting.