A positional Paper on Affirmative Action

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
I both agree, and disagree with what the author is saying in this article. He starts by saying that our chances of succeeding are influenced by the generation of our family that came before us, and by our network of friends and acquaintances. He applies the term "social capital," to this. He then goes on to say that the government needs to take responsibility for ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity get a job, …

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…is improperly used, we must not blame the program; we must blame the people that are administering it. Universities should not lower standards, but encourage academically qualified minorities to apply and support programs that help increase the pool of qualified applicants. While it is true that an individuals success depends largely on that individuals own drive and self determination, history has taught us that things are not going to get better without some governmental intervention.