A paragraph about Louis Slotin and his life.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Louis Slotin Louis Slotin was one of the Canadian scientists working on the Manhattan project. The goal was to build an atomic bomb before Germany could. Slotin was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He was the eldest child of the Russian-Jewish immigrants. He was a smart student, he went on to study in three different Universities. His work on the Manhattan project was so secret that he couldn't even tell his family what he was doing. …

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…hands. He took the full force of the nuclear detonation in his gut. The lethal dose of radiation poison caused him to receive an agonising death. His assistant also suffered serious injuries, but the six other people in the room recovered. By this action he managed to save the others. His body was flown back to Winnipeg in a Lead coffin and under the orders of the US military, it was not to be opened.