A paper on Karl Marx

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Accounting
Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Trier near the Moselle River in Germany on May 5, 1818. Karl was born to Hirschel and Henrietta Marx. Although Marx's family had been Jewish for many generations and there were man many Rabbis in his family tree, Marx's father has him baptized as a Protestant Christian so that he could continue to practice as a lawyer in Trier, where he was one of the most well known and successful lawyers …

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…as the materialist conception of history. This he wrote down and expanded on in a book published after his death as The German Ideology, of which the main idea and point he tries to make is that the nature of individuals depends on the material conditions determining their production. Marx noted through his studies the history of the numerous types of production and predicted the collapse of the industrial capitalism and its replacement by communism.