A paper discussing Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, and how aspects of each religion has affected general social behavior. "History of God" by Karen Armstrong as reference

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Since the time of the biblical Abraham, the dominant religions of the Middle East have changed from polytheistic to monotheistic. The monotheistic religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all trace their roots to Abraham and generally agree upon the fact that they worship his God, with their own belief structures developed around it. With their similar backgrounds, the followers of these monotheistic faiths have come to view God with some attributes that are common throughout them …

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…should see and live in the world as Christ did, and they believe that they should treat all with love and respect. Islam, believing that God can be known through the world around us and a rational attempt to find God through his Creations, has led to a rigorous attempt to know our world through sciences and mathematics like no other religion. Religion affects how its people treat each other and the world around them.