"A midsummer Nights dream" book report

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, the theme of love's elusiveness is clearly portrayed. It becomes apparent that the four lovers in the story are not in control of their love and furthermore that their love is insincere. Evidently, this is because of the mischief that Robin Goodfellow brings to the characters with a magic cowslip flower. The love that Lysander has for Helena is false, as is the love that Demetrius has …

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…first person that they see after the magic cowslip has been lifted from their eyes. The love that Lysander has for Helena is false, as is the love that Demetrius has for Helena, and Titania for Bottom. In this story we find that love isn't always sincere. Love is something that fools our hearts and minds into having feelings that cannot be explained, perhaps even causing one to love what is unlovely. Love is elusive.