A mans word

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Essay Database > Literature > English
General George S. Patton GENERAL GEORGE S. PATTON JR. Living in a country that is obsessed with war and violence, it is obvious why Americans look for heroes. All actors from John Wayne to Arnold Schwarzenegger have captured the love of this country for their portrayal of heroics and bravery in movies. However, before there were Wayne and Schwarzenegger, there was Patton, a real life American hero. Without George S. Patton Jr., it is questionable …

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…world. His unexpected death made many wonder what a man like George S. Patton could have done in Korea or even Vietnam. This is how General George S. Patton showed all the characteristics of a great military leader. Books were definitely not the Generals cup of tea, but he possessed qualities that on could never learn from reading literature. General Patton had the raw natural abilities to calculate and execute the most technical military maneuvers.