A look at why people choose the sex roles they choose in life. Specifically females.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
David Hopper ENGL-1102 Research Paper 11 September 03 Why Do People Take on The Roles They Do? There is a significant correlation between the types of behavior displayed by females/males in literature and the real world. The attitudes and behaviors adopted by characters in written works are often very similar to the attitudes and behaviors seen in many work settings. This is in part because of preconceived notions of behavior patterns that people believe "respectable" citizens …

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…males/females are innately geared towards, I believe that choice has more to do with the outcome than people may admit. The fact that in society today many of the limitations that were in place in previous decades have been removed yet the composition of the work force remains largely unchanged. Although the number of women in the sciences has increased greatly increased the percentage has not changed as significantly as I would have expected.