A literary analysis of the poem "Mending Wall" by Robert Frost.

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Since the beginning of time mankind has found that harmony and togetherness are more beneficial to the entirety of the group than dissonance and separation. When society works together as one, it attains the desired objective more rapidly and efficiently. The ultimate goal can only be reached after differences have been overcome, and cooperation has occurred. All of these acts are clearly identified in the poem "Mending Wall" by Robert Frost. He uses the wall …

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…overcoming differences, cooperation, and unity. Before the members of any group can merge together, they must overcome the differences among them. After differences have been overcome, it is necessary to use those aberrations to help solve problems and gain mutual benefit through cooperation. Finally, after these things are done, the ultimate goal of unity is reached. The poem "Mending Wall" shows that Frost's theme of unity is relevant in its applications to the modern world.