A letter to President: Lessons from Vietnam War and The Mistakes we should avoid in the future.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Dear President Bush, Have you ever wondered what can be more terrifying than a little three-letter word "War"? What can be more heartbreaking than a thousand of innnocent soldiers dying in the fields of a distant land? ... I always wondered why, living centuries on Earth, we couldnt learn to stay in peace? Why, having so many wars to look back to, we coudlnt learn to avoid thier mistakes? Why, seeing that we will have so …

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…the next situation like this. Any one of these things could help the U.S. and based upon what the U.S has faced in the past during the Vietnam war, I think it is safe to say that we need all the help we can get. Even if it includes the three ideas of a Seventeen year-old high school student including: scoping out the battlefield, knowing your enemies, and better treatment of returning soldiers.