A legal adult should have the right to consume alcohol

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Essay Database > Literature > English
When someone turns 18, our country considers him an adult, and trusts him with the responsibility of voting, starting a family, purchasing firearms and tobacco products, entering into legal contracts, holding public office, fighting in a war, and dying for his country, a country that doesn't even allow him to consume alcohol. From the end of prohibition until 1984, drinking ages were determined by the states, many of them had the age at 21, while several lowered the …

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…during National Prohibition. When asked if raising the legal drinking age has made things worse, Engs replied, "Yes. Like National Prohibition, it has been counter-productive. Raising the drinking age was much worse than doing nothing." Most people that we asked concluded that the legal drinking age should be 18. It would lower alcoholism, alcohol poisoning, and alcohol abuse. It would also increase responsibility when drinking and, most importantly, give legal adults the equal rights they deserve.