A lame narrative story based on the game Everquest.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Warrior Gone Unheard As I first opened my eyes, I saw grey stone walls with black streaks. The ground was covered with four inches of pure white snow. I was standing on a ledge. Just below and in front of me lied a pit where two people stand. I saw Lysbith McNaff standing to the left. She was wearing fine plate armor and wielding a deadly sword in her right hand. Her long brown hair …

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…I quickly began slashing away at the gnolls but with complete failure. They dodged my every strike. They moved with extreme haste. Then one hit me. I felt an agonizing pain within me as if it had penetrated my flesh. I felt as if I had just exploded. With the little energy I had left I stared off into the crisp white snow which lay ahead of me collapsing to the ground with great disbelief.