A lab about Chromotography an Chlorophyll

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Biology: Chromatography and Chlorophyll Analysis Questions and Observations: 1. 2 How many different color bands do you see on your chromatogram? Remember that every spot of color regardless if it's the same color is another spot is a different pigment. (Note: that green at the starting point that remains is different from the other greens that ere soluble and moved with the solvent front") Use the information below to help you identify the different pigments you have …

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…the plant white and it wouldn't be able to do photosynthesis 7.A plant needs many hours of light to make chlorophyll. Without light, chlorophyll breaks down. Other pigments are not as light sensitive but more to temperature. If the above statement is true, propose an explanation why leaves of certain types of trees change colors during fall. 8.Explain how the process called chromatography works. How did it separate the different pigments found in the leaves?