A hypothetical acceptance letter written to U.S.U on behalf of many of Americas great leaders. Gives brief background on them.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Dear U.S.U, Hello and thank you U.S.U for taking the time to look at these fine applicants from whom I have hand picked 20 highly eligible applicants out of 40. I have also included a 7 student waiting list and 2 students who I strongly believe should be bared from entering this prestigious university. As you very well we are entering a new century the 20th century these are very exiting and changing times. You …

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…William Marcy Tweed. He is a corrupt and unscrupulous person who will lie and use violence to get what he needs. I appreciate your time and I hope that you will make the right decision and chose students that will further elevate U.S.U and put it into the spotlight. Remember that any good collage can hire good professors but you need equally brilliant students to be able to match a good professor. Sincerely,