A history of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, as of March 2003 (10 page research paper)

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Every day in the American justice system, prosecuting and defense attorneys preach their case to a judge and jury, hoping to win their support. Both attorneys tell their stories and back them up with witnesses and facts. The judge and jury, after hearing both sides, can fairly make a decision. It wouldn't be fair if one attorney got to plead his client's case and the other didn't, would it? Because to make a fair decision, …

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…wrong. I asked myself: "Perhaps if people were informed about certain issues in the conflict, maybe their opinions would be more equitable?" So, I explained to those being surveyed about four issues: the Expulsion of Palestinians, the 1967 War, Illegal settlements on the West Bank, and the New Intifada, and most responded with a "Oh, I understand that.. so that's why they're doing everything they're doing.. that's understandable"... and they walk away enlightened, educated, and equitable.