A funny and creative piece written from the persective of a cat who realizes he is a homosexual

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Essay Database > Literature
My Cat Comes Out <Tab/>Have you ever wondered how the light from the sun shines through the window and forms a rainbow? You know those mini rainbows that shine on the wall and floors and just brighten up a whole room. Well, I have never questioned this phenomenon until now. <Tab/>As usual when my family leaves for the day I happily prance around the house …

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…cats besides the ones I have seen on television. And I guess I have never thought about it until just now; but as sit next to the rainbow on the hardwood floor, I just realized the only 2 cats I have ever known were males like myself. I just haven't met a female. I don't know what those humans call it. A homosexual or something. But I guess that is what I am, a homosexual cat.