A film review of blockbuster Pearl Harbor and its social consequences.

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Pearl Harbor (the film) : Compromise Between Fact and Fiction With its heartdrenching romance interweaved in its heartpounding action, movie critics have hailed Pearl Harbor as the summer blockbuster of the year and the second coming of Titanic. Pearl Harbor, a movie about the 1941 surprise aerial attack on the U.S. Pacific fleet, is seen as movie which is less of a history lesson, and more of a love story. However, despite booming box office sales …

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…the film as historically accurate as possible, but it's entertainment. We employed a lot of historical consultants. But still, it's a movie." Many fans identify with Bay and Marozas' comments. While the film does not have a firm grip on reality, it brings the war back to attention. Younger audiences may not sit still for a World War Two documentary, but squeeze in Disney and Ben Affleck somewhere and they're ready for their history lesson.