A family supper

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Essay Database > Literature
"A Family Supper," by Kazuo Ishiguro, is a story of uncertainty, nervousness, emotions, and loss of love in the family. The narrator, Ishiguro, is a Protagonist, was born in the Tokyo, Japan. He is returning home from California some two years after the death of his mother. After the WWII, Watanabe's despondency of the loss of the company leads him to take his life and his family members. The Protagonist's mother, who is believed by …

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…feeling and imagery illustrates the need of love and bond of relationship we share in our lives. He proves that how important our elders need love and compassion. Relationship is not about isolation from the rest of the world. It's all about winning the hearts and minds of our elders. Never ever let them feel alone, as the mother never leaves her child alone. The pillars of love will definitely create strong and united families.