A discussion of DH Lawrence's depiction of weakness in the face of other forces

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Essay Database > Literature
In examining several of DH Lawrence's short stories and one of his poems ('Odor of Chrysanthemums', 'Strike Pay', 'Tickets, Please', 'Daughters of the vicar', and 'Snake'), it can be seen that Lawrence has presented weakness through a variety of his characters. These weaknesses appear through the characters' thoughts, relationships and actions. Lawrence has illustrated the characters weaknesses against symbolic forces such as nature and industry, and the conflict between them. The context of these stories …

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…women. DH Lawrence has illustrated weakness in the face of other forces in the four short stories 'Odour of chrysatheums', 'Strike Pay', 'Tickets, Please', 'Daughters of the vicar' and the poem 'Snake'. The weaknesses have been presented in different ways through the characters thoughts, relationships and actions. Forces such as conflict between nature and industry, and men and women are features of his writing. They have been influenced by his own personal experiences and beliefs.