A discussion about population size, population composition and function of the village in rural areas with an explanation of the differences between villages in MEDCs and LEDCs.

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Villages in MEDCs and LEDCs are very distinguished in terms of population size, population composition and function. In MEDCs, sizes of villages are not as big as in LEDCs. However, both kinds of villages in MEDCs and LEDCs tend to follow the model of "the farther the distance to the conurbation, the smaller the town would be". In extreme non-rural areas of an MEDC, villages are comparatively big because people live there for reasons like …

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…which almost all the countries follow naturally. As the country becomes more economically developed, it has more counter urbanization. We can see it clearly from the transitional country China where counter urbanization already starts to happen to a small proportion of the wealthy people. There might be some anomalies such as the case of Brazil. Still, I believe that along with the development of a conurbation and urbanization, it will somehow ends with counter urbanization.