A diary entry written by Romeo after his banishment from Verona.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Romeo's Banishment Thursday 22nd March, What now? Being banished from the city, my family and my true love Juliet who I hope is safe and well. We spent our first night together and we spent it well doing what most people do on their honeymoon, being together. Damn you Tybalt, why did do you do what you did; if only you knew we were family would that have made a difference? Would that let me …

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…have been punished and exiled to banishment. Since when have I, Romeo become so worried about the world and its problems. I know I will see Juliet someday and I don't care how! Luck has always been on my side and I think I'm gonna need a lot, oh Juliet where ever you are I pray to the gods that you are safe and that we shall be together once again in "fair Verona". Romeo