A detailed consideration of Act 3 Scene 5 in Romeo and Juliet.

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Act 3 Scene 5 is a very revealing scene. It is in this scene that the characters show us their true feelings about one another and about themselves. It is a very pivotal scene in that the nurse, once Juliet's confidante, has now shown her true side. I will examine in detail the relationships between the different characters. Before we can do this we will need to take a look at preceding occasions in the play. Even …

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…forced to marry Paris -If friar Lawrence had intercepted Romeo before he got to the tomb As you can see from the list there were many chances for Romeo and Juliet to have had a happy ending. However fate is against them. If it weren't for fate they would both still have been alive at the end. However it would not have reconciled their two families. Fate reconciled their families but killed Romeo and Juliet.