A deep look into Nixon's early life and political position.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Nixon Nixon had a difficult early life with many trials and hardships, which affected his character and way of thinking about the world and himself. The premature death of two of his brothers caused him deep-rooted trauma. He had a lifelong inability to trust other people. From the competition between his siblings, he got a keen sense of competition and struggle and a belief that in the end, he was alone against fate and his …

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…Unknown. Date Unknown. <http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/rn37.html> "Richard Milhous Nixon." Originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of American Political Parties. Date Unknown. <http://www.cwu.edu/~millerj/writings/nixon.html> "RICHARD M. NIXON." Tom Wicker. Date Unknown. <http://www.pbs.org/newshour/character/essays/nixon.html> "Richard M. Nixon At a Glance." Author Unknown. Date Unknown. <http://www.top-biography.com/9231-Richard%20Nixon/index1.asp>