A decent essay about Eugenics, Human genetics controversy

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
The Controversy on Eugenics in the American Culture Heredity improvement by genetic control. Why would people want to control heredity? What exactly is genetic control? These are some things that people have been questioning for decades. Eugenics can not be ignored because it is suddenly coming up everywhere. People are experimenting and taking huge risks not to their knowledge. At one point in time it was said that eugenics could change the world for the …

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…traits. Even when the degree of political support for direct eugenic measures is weak, say only 20% of the population would vote for them, consideration of the eugenic effects of alternative ways of accomplishing certain goals might change the ranking of alternative methods for accomplishing these goals, and produce some eugenic benefits. However in my own opinion I feel that trying to create something that would not create itself that way should just be left alone.