A cup - ordinaly essay

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
A CUP Before Christ, people had already created a cup. The hollow cylinder was made from soil and was a simple design and thickness; ancient people used it for drinking. After wards, they threw the object away or piled it somewhere. They left it there; and they moved to another place. The antic vessel was gradually buried in the ground as days and months passed as if it had been forgotten. Thousands of years later, …

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…have used and created cups long before. They changed the size, thickness, and the material of cups for their use. They used the cup every single day, but they forgot to appreciate using the cup. They took it for granted, and they thought that this was natural, and they were using that object; however, the historical object gave me impressions. It taught result of foolishness, reminded us of our independence, and gave a culture shock.