A cultural analysis

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Jossie's inteligence and confidence are two unique qualities portrayed in this young girl, struggling with her identity. She is a remarkably imagitive young person possesing a quick temper. She is a confused girl searching to find where she belongs in the two different cultures. These cultures, being australian and italian, are very demanding on such a young girl, having to mould herself for each and find an equalibrium of both. She has major difficulties coping …

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…society is trumendous and this book covers that issue very intesley. But there is also alot more to this novel than simple bigotry. "Looking for Alibrandi" also attacks very important issues at the foundation of the Australian culure. These range from teenage pregnancy to the social hierachy at a private school. All these issues are intwined to create a very revealing book about all aspects of Australian life, not necesaarily from a purely Australian view.