A critical analysis of the use of the five literary elements (theme, plot, characterization, setting, structure) in Barbara Kimenye's "The Winner"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Barbara Kimenye's "The Winner," is an excellent example of a short story that does not necessarily use all five of the literary elements to their fullest potential, but still creates a sense of organic unity. In this analysis, the elements are organized in the order of theme, plot, characterization, setting, and then structure. Each element will be described and then "The Winner" and the events in it will be related to the elements. The purpose …

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…the guidelines with it, although some things she did in the story may have been pushing it a little bit. In general, Barbara Kimenye used the five elements together in a way that most readers can understand and interpret to mean many things. The story could have been written better, but the author placed the elements together in a way that worked, regardless of whether or not she used them all to their full potential.