A critical analysis of the concept of addiction with reference to drug misuse

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
In this assignment I will be critically analysing the meaning of the term addiction when used in relation to drug misuse, and assess its merits as a concept for defining drug related behaviour. The key factors will be considered as to why people use drugs on a regular basis and how these factors impact the 'validity' of the overall concept of addiction. Also, I will be looking at what related concepts, such as 'dependence', imply …

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…Gossop, M (2000) Living with Drugs. 5th Edition Aldershot: Arena Peele, S. (1985) The Meaning of Addiction: Compulsive Experience and Its Interpretation San Francisco: Jossey-Bass The American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary ( 2002) Houghton Mifflin Company The druglink guide to drugs (2004) published by Drugscope Zinberg, N. (1984)<Tab/>Drug, Set and Setting: the basis for controlled intoxicant use <Tab/><Tab/><Tab/>Yale University Press