A critical Appraisal of Kohlberg's Theory Of Moral Development

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Lawrence Kohlberg was born in Bronxville, New York on October 5th in 1927. He served as a professor at Harvard Univarsity. He started as a developmental psychologist in the early 1970s and became famous for his later work in moral education, especially his theory of moral development For his doctoral research Kolhberg studied differences in children's reasoning about moral dilemmas. He hypothesized that moral difficulties motivated their development through a fixed sequence of increasingly flexible kinds …

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…women would score beyond stage 3. With all its possible flaws, however, Kohlberg's theory of moral development was the first of its kind and remains the springboard for all subsequent research into moral reasoning. Critiques of Kohlberg's theory have led, and continue to lead, to more expansive and inclusive understandings of the development of moral reasoning. Kohlberg's Just Community program also yielded significant results and led to the ongoing creation of other similar alternative education programs.