A concise analysis of 3 main problems facing the Weimar Republic from 1919-1923.

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The Weimar Republic began in 1919 with Ebert as their first president. The republic faced many problems from the very beginning because of the stage Germany was in. Germany had lost a large proportion of their troops in World War I, some still believed that they had not lost, and the economy in Germany was in the most disastrous condition. Many problems cause the Weimar Republic to be unstable, such as their president and the constitution, …

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…achieve the same achievements as Stresemann. Bruning, a German chancellor wanted Germany to join with Austria, causing the Allies to greatly oppose. There was no other person in the Weimar Republic like Stresemann. The Weimar Republic consisted of many problems that caused it to be unstable. Parts were caused by outside forces but majority had to do with it themselves. The problems of the republic later lead on to the rise Hitler, and finally WWII.