A comparitive analysis of The Roman Empire and Han China

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Essay Database > History
The Roman Empire and Han China shared many similarities as well as many differences, among them were the effect disease played on these countries, reasons for decline in both Empires, and the emergence of new religions. These are just a few examples of great similarities and differences that these Empires shared. The time periods for this essay are roughly 200 B.C. to 200 A.D. with some exceptions for the Romans who surpassed the Hans by 200 …

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…in the west after 476 A.D. existed only as a distant memory or time that lived in name only that never truly returned. Whereas the Han legacy continued to influence China well into the 20th century, people in China still refer to themselves as the people of Han and to their language as the Language of Han. The Han dynasty may have been destroyed but its practices and policies survived through the ages in China.