A comparison of the imagery and language in "The handmaid's tale" and Judith Wright's poems

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In Margaret Atwood's "The handmaid's tale" and Judith Wright poems, some subject matters are similar because there are a lot of imageries based on children and men, from voices of a woman. In "the handmaid's tale" the narrator has lost her child and husband, and in some Judith Wright poems it is about a woman's love for men, and a child being born. Looking at the imagery and language used, we can compare between the …

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…cycles, in these poems language and imageries describe the romance and mother nature. "The handmaid's tale" is a satire, the language and imageries tend to describe the narrator's emotions and character, to let the readers link them to the environment, which Atwood comments on, to create irony. Therefore the readers will find a big difference in terms of the use of language and imagery in the two texts, even literally the same symbol is used.