A comparison of the characters in the poem (by Samuel Pepys) and short story (written by Elizabeth Bowen) both entitled 'Demond Lover'.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Many similarities exist between the poem version and the prose story both titled Demon Lover. Both works seem to be warnings of some kind or another to married women. Also, both works contain elements of the supernatural in reference to the pasts of the two main characters. Each of them deals also with feelings still held about former lovers, in one case wanting to go back, and in the other not wanting to go back …

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…escape but finds herself trapped in her destiny. Though there are many surprising similarities in both works written by different authors there are just as may dissimilarities in the story lines and reasons. Both do seem to be warnings to women, but it seems as if no matter which decision is made, weather to stay faithful or to go another man, one or the other or perhaps even neither decision could be the correct one.