A comparison of "Child of the Americas" and "Amerícan"

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Amerícans, happy in their new home. "Child of the Americas", a poem by Aurora Levins Morales describes the perspective of a Puerto Rican woman that has a very diverse ancestral background who has immigrated to the United States. "Amerícan", on the other hand, is a more so broader depiction of a very similiar concept to that of "Child of the Americas". The poems seem to have many distinct similarities, …

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…make sure they stay true to who they are and are proud of their multi cultural background. They both also seem to have the idea that people like them, Amerícans if you would like, make the country they now call home a "new america, humane america, admired america, loved america, harmonious america," and a "world in peace."(line 50, p. 957). (All quotes were taken from the The Bedford Introduction to Literature, 7th ed.)