A comparison of Buddism and Hinduism. 6pages, 1614 words

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Essay Database > History
Buddhism and Hinduism have many things in common and if you look at them closely you even might think they are the same but they are not the same. By not even looking at their similarities there are two things of Buddhism that differentiate it from Hinduism. The Buddha himself never addressed any of these issues or topics with the Buddhism as a religion gives off the ideas of eternal self (Atman) and eternity in …

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…Chinese communities, it seems that new, distinctively American forms of Buddhism may eventually develop. Many religions over time have gone through changes and different paths believing in many Gods, bringing followers from around the world together and unite for life. Buddhism and Hinduism have their own versions of writings and a belief which makes these two religions stand out the most from others. "Buddhism, in its origin at least is an offshoot of Hinduism." (Unknown)