A comparison of Blake's treatment of his subject in "Songs of Innocence" with that in "Songs of Experience".

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A comparison of Blake's treatment of his subject in "Songs of Innocence" with that in "Songs of Experience". William Blake is a poet of the Pre-Romantic era. He is one of the poets who set the path for Romanticism, where poets emphasized on emotions, they believed in the power of imagination and experimented with new ideas and concepts. Blake was a mystical poet and he felt that he was in communion with supernatural powers and …

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…the interests of the people, collaborates with the state and engages in exploitive activities. To conclude, Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience epitomize the very crux of emotions, moods and thoughts, which are universal to us all, regardless of caste, creed or gender. It speaks volumes about the immortality of the human spirit and attitude as the same feelings are embodied within us even today, more than two hundred years since these poems were published.