A comparison between the movie "Enough" with J-Lo and domestic violence in America today.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Violence is everywhere; on television, in video games, in everyday life, and also on the big screen. I have chosen to touch briefly on the subject of violence in the movie industry, particularly on the movie Enough with Jennifer Lopez as the leading character. This movie is a perfect example of domestic and spousal abuse that is portrayed in the media. It also seems quite accurate in describing the ordeals that a woman that is …

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…up story. There are people out there that actually live in a similar situation as Lopez did in the movie. I also believe that for Sony Pictures to make a film like this is great. It reaches an audience and makes the subject of spousal abuse known to a large crowd. Maybe by making films like this one will cause the awareness of the problem to increase and therefore decrease the violence in the home.